

To Tomar: From Lisbon, you can reach Tomar by train (recommended) or bus. When you arrive at Lisbon’s airport, we recommend you take the underground trains, called Metro. Beware that the Metro is closed between 1am and 6:30 am. Also, depending on a number of factors, you may need to wait up to 10 minutes for a train. Lisbon’s Metro stations are marked with a red M sign. In this underground map, the colored lines are Metro lines. The airport’s station is the Aeroporto station at one of the ends of the red line.

By train:

  • You want to exit the Metro at the Oriente station, which is also on the red line (third station after the airport). Here you need to go upstairs to the train station.
  • A schedule of the trains is available here. Notice that you’ll be departing from the station “Lisboa Oriente” (second line in those tables). Notice also that the trains are direct: you do not need to change in Entroncamento.
  • There are two types of trains you can choose from: Regional trains and Inter-regional trains. Regional trains are cheaper, but they serve more stops. You can also take a high-speed train (called Alfa-pendular) to Entroncamento and then change there, but this is more expensive.
  • You may want to check the train company’s web site. You can find Tomar’s train station in the tab “Timetables and Prices”, but not in the tab “NET Ticket”, because you can only buy online tickets for Alfa-pendular (high-speed) and Intercidades (long-distance) trains, not for Regional and Inter-regional trains.

By bus:

  • The bus station in Lisbon is in the Sete Rios area. The nearest Metro station is Jardim Zoológico, on the blue line. From the Airport Metro station, it may take you almost one hour to reach the Zoo station. If you follow the indications there you’ll reach the bus station (1 or 2 minutes walking), which is just outside.
  • This is the bus company’s Web site: click the UK flag below the logo “Rede eXpressos” for the English version.
  • There are two daily buses from Lisbon to Tomar; they leave at 3:15pm and 6pm. There are a few more buses that don’t operate every day. Daily buses from Tomar to Lisbon leave at 7am and 10:15am.

To Hotel dos Templários: The bus station and the train station are right next to each other. From there to the hotel, it’s a 10-minute walk map.